

The magical qualities of forgiveness will set us free when we forgive ourselves and the people who have hurt us. Forgiveness is a very high vibration supported by the Divine. 

Forgiveness is the key to peace and freedom. Did you know that, when you decided to incarnate, you were going to be challenged with many experiences and be given the opportunity to feel the freedom you receive after forgiveness is given and received?  

We have all hurt people or have been hurt by someone else. It makes sense that we would want to hold on to anger, resentment, and/or thoughts of revenge when we are hurt, traumatized, and/or betrayed by our loved ones, and/or even by strangers. Likewise, when we hurt another, guilt and shame will be the leading emotions we will most likely experience.

Being hurt by someone we love and trust, or hurting someone else, can cause us guilt, confusion, and anger. Dwelling on the hurt feelings will only fill us with resentment, hostility, and shame. These negative emotions can take root in our energetic bodies and will wreak havoc on our physical body later in life, if they are not dealt with. We might find ourselves swallowed up from our own bitterness and judgment. 

Perhaps it was a parent who constantly criticized you or who mentally and emotionally abused you when you were growing up. Maybe you were betrayed by your lover, or your colleague sabotaged your big promotion. Maybe it was you who caused someone else’s heartbreak and pain. Or you could have been in a physically abusive relationship. Maybe you hurt others when you were battling self-destructive, abusive addictions. There are many examples of being wounded or being the one who wounded another--just pick one. Of course, there are many more. All these examples will leave us stuck with long-lasting feelings of anger, sadness, or rage because of these old wounds.  

In the long run, if we don’t exercise forgiveness, we will be the ones who pay the most dearly. If we want to have emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health, consider embracing forgiveness as our savior. We will be set free into the loving dimensions of joy, happiness, truth, gratitude, and abundance. 

The action that caused us harm will always be with us, but forgiveness can help us let it go and set us free from the person who harmed us, or the person who we have harmed. We will experience higher levels of consciousness, and our inner wisdom will grow stronger, because we will be operating at a level of understanding, compassion, and even empathy for ourselves and others. Forgiveness does not mean excusing the harmful act. It means that we are transmuting the negative energetic cord between us and the other party involved. This will bring peace to our lives.  

What is forgiveness?  

Forgiveness is different for everyone. Generally, it means the decision to let go of the resentment, bitterness, sadness, and vengeful thought patterns about yourself or about someone who has wounded you.  

What if I’m the one who needs forgiveness?

We might:

  • Be honest, accept, and acknowledge the harmful wrongs you’ve caused by your actions or words 

  • Do not make excuses 

  • Avoid judging yourself or others 

  • Consider admitting your wrongs, speak your sincere regret or sorrow, and ask for forgiveness 

  • Never blame the other person to whom you have caused harm 

  • Always allow others to move at their own pace and timeline 

  • Remember, you can’t force someone to forgive you 

  • Whatever happens, treat others with compassion and respect 

  • Lead with your heart 

  • Remember, you are doing the best you can with what you have 

What happens if I can’t forgive myself or someone else?

If we find ourselves stuck, we might:

  • Remember that forgiveness is a process and that even the small hurts might need to be revisited over and over 

  • Practice empathy 

  • Look at the situation from others' points of view 

  • Meditate 

  • Pray 

  • Ask the Divine for guidance 

  • Reflect on the times you have been forgiven by others and how it impacted your life 

  • Go easy on yourself 

  • Remember, this is why we incarnated and agreed to these challenging experiences–finish the lesson and let it go 

  • Find the gratitude in the situation 

  • Talk with an individual who is impartial and whose opinion you respect, such as a friend, spirit leader, counselor, parent, or loved one 

How can we reach a state of forgiveness?

When we move from suffering to forgiveness, we might: 

  • Seek out a support group or counselor 

  • Recognize the value of forgiveness 

  • Identify what needs to be forgiven and healed 

  • Be true to our own emotions about the harm that has been caused by us or by another person 

  • Make a conscious choice to forgive ourselves or others 

  • Stop playing the victim role  

  • Release the control and power this is having over our lives 

What happens when we don’t forgive

We might: 

  • Bring blame, anger, bitterness into all relationships 

  • Be so consumed with the hurt we can’t be present in life 

  • Become depressed and anxious  

  • Start to doubt our connection to a spiritual meaning in our lives 

  • Lose connections to other important people  

  • Start unhealthy coping habits 

  • Cause our physical bodies to manifest a terminal disease  

What are the benefits of forgiveness?  

We might: 

  • Have less stress, hostility, and anger towards ourselves and others 

  • Achieve higher levels of consciousness 

  • Experience peace and freedom 

  • Walk with more integrity  

  • Live a healthier life and have healthier relationships 

  • Experience improved mental health 

  • Lower blood pressure 

  • Experience less depression  

  • Lower our chances of a terminal disease  

  • Experience better self-esteem 

  • Grow wiser 

  • Experience a deeper connection to the Divine 

Remember, we all heal at our own speed. Grief, trauma, hurting, and pain are all part of the human experience. Once we let go of these old wounds and forgive, we’ll no longer be defined by how we feel or what hurts us. We will experience a peace like no other and will be setting both ourselves and other people free. Most likely, compassion and understanding will be your guiding compass. Join me and let forgiveness be our guiding light to walk with the Divine. The act of forgiveness heals you, the other person, and the planet.