The Divine Feminine and The Great Awakening!
Hello, everyone!
Today, we as a collective, are celebrating women and the Divine Feminine. I invite everyone to take a moment, pause, honor, and find gratitude for the Divine Feminine and all the embodiments of the moon in your life.
Have you ever wondered why humanity and Mother Earth are going through a huge shift in consciousness right now?
Please, allow me to explain The Great Awakening as it relates to the Divine Feminine. Let me be clear. This is not through the lens of gender but through the lens of energy, Feminine energy. Whether you are male or female, we all possess the qualities of both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.
Mother Earth and humanity are going through a huge shift in consciousness right now. This is what we are experiencing on the planet presently. We must go through the great purge before The Great Awakening, and the Divine Feminine is leading way to help in this shift. The qualities of the Divine Feminine energies are love, joy, forgiveness, compassion, understanding, intuition, expansion, and bliss.
For the last 20,000 – 25,000 years, Earth has mainly been ruled by the unhealthy masculine. Control, power, greed, manipulation, domination, propaganda, and fear are the energies we have been experiencing for centuries. We are at the end of this unhealthy cycle, and the Divine Feminine is being ushered in to create a new world of peace and love, the 5D.
Therefore, the world feels so wildly backwards right now because these 2 energy constructs are clashing. The lower vibrational energies of the unhealthy masculine know that their time of ruling this planet is ending. These energies are fighting back with propaganda, fear-based untruths, and more. They are attempting to divide humanity and exploit our differences.
When your energies are balanced and harmonized, you broadcast your internal world into the collective consciousness. The same is true for the opposite of these energies. When you are experiencing fear, shame, and anger, you also broadcast these energies into the collective consciousness. The powers that rule and control this world know this truth and are constantly bombarding us with negativity and fear. Fear is the lowest vibration on the planet. We all experience fear in one form or another. When we are all in fear and broadcast this low vibrational energy into the collective, we as humanity are held prisoners and are not allowed to evolve into higher levels of consciousness, unity, and oneness.
If you are living on planet Earth right now, your soul chose to be here during The Great Awakening. You have been blessed with front row seats to the greatest show in the Universe and have something to offer to this shift.
You see, there is a great shifting of cosmic wheels happening right now on our planet. The old 3D world is falling way, and we are transitioning into the 5D. Humanity must embrace the Divine Feminine and allow her to cleanse the unhealthy masculine so we all can shift into the higher dimensions of love and peace!
How do we embrace and celebrate the Divine Feminine? We do it on an individual basis. We find self-love. We find forgiveness for those who have hurt us. We find understanding for those who have a different opinion than us. We find joy in the daily miracles that we often overlook. We find compassion for those who are stuck in their old ways of living in their mental and emotional prisons.
If you want to change the world, you must change yourself and your internal world first. The entire universe is watching us and cheering us on. It is Divine law that we as humanity will shift our planet by ourselves. This is our fight! We must all come together and stand as one voice, one love, one heart, one consciousness-sacred being, and claim our collective Divine birthright.
I invite everyone to discover your truth and share it with others. Male or female, we must all embrace the qualities of the Divine Feminine and broadcast them into the collective consciousness. Claim your Divine birthright of love, joy, peace of mind, freedom, bliss, healing, compassion, intuition, and forgiveness. I’ll see you on the front lines, holding the light for the planet and humanity. How will you participate and assist the greatest shift of consciousness in human history? Join me and open your hearts and soul to the beautiful energies that are all around us so we can move humanity forward into love, peace, and oneness.
The time is now!