A FREE assessment to help you determine your values to lead you to inner peace for a more fulfilled life.
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A FREE assessment to help you determine your values to lead you to inner peace for a more fulfilled life.
Fill out the form below to get started
Many people go through life without ever taking the time to stop and think about what they believe in. However, understanding your personal values is an essential part of leading a fulfilled life. Values are the things that you believe are important, and they guide your choices and actions.
Everyone has their own unique set of values, and there is no right or wrong answer. What matters is that you are true to yourself. If you're not sure what your values are, download this Values Assessment Guide.
- What are values and why are they important
- How to determine your values
- Values exercise
- Learning your results
Once you have a better understanding of your values, you may find that many aspects of your life become clearer.
Inside this free download, we explain what values are and why they are important for you to identify for yourself. Understanding these are the first steps to helping you identify your values.
This assessment was put together and offered by Higher Level Consciousness founder, John Clark. John Clark is a spiritual coach who helps people become their best selves. John is trained in moving clients through significant life transitions and holds the following training and certifications:
IPEC Core Energy Life Coach and COR.E Dynamics™ Transition Specialist
CPC (Certified Professional Coach)
ELI-MP (Energy Leadership Index– Master Practitioner)
CTDS (Coach Transition Dynamics Specialist)
When your actions don't align with your values, it can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction or even anxiety. When we act in ways that go against our values, it can be difficult to rationalize our actions, and this can lead to a lot of inner conflict. After taking this assessment, you’ll have an opportunity to schedule a free consultation to understand what your options for next steps are for realignment, helping you to lead a more fulfilled life.
Understanding your values can help you immensely in your career as it will allow you to choose a path that is aligned with what is important to you. It can also help you to stay motivated and focused on your goals as you will be more likely to achieve success if you are working towards something that fits with your personal definition of success. After completing this assessment, you’ll have an opportunity to schedule a free consultation to understand what your options for next steps are for alignment, helping you to lead a more fulfilled life.
Some examples of values include things like honesty, loyalty, compassion, respect, and responsibility. In this values assessment, we provide a list of values to help you identify which speak specifically to you.